Monterey Bay Aquarium
This unique aquarium allows visitors to experience the numerous habitats that are within The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) is a protected marine area along the central California coast, ranging from Marin County to Cambria. It...
05 Jul, 2022
Meteor Crater
The crater is 1.2 kilometres in diameter, and 200 metres deep. What conditions need to exist for a crater of this size to be formed? Located 35 miles East of Flagstaff, and a 5 mile drive off Interstate highway I-40, the Barringer Meteorite Crater, as it is known in the scientific...
05 Jul, 2022
Chiricahua National Monument
Located in SE Arizona, this is an amazing spectacle of extraordinary rock sculptures that have been created by natural erosion over millions of years. This area was once the homeland of the fiercely proud and brave Chiricahua Apaches. About 27 million years ago violent volcanic eruptions...
05 Jul, 2022
Canyon de Chelly
Situated in NE Arizona this is a spectacular canyon, entirely on Navajo Indian Reservation. The beauty of the two deep sandstone canyons rival those of of the Grand Canyon. They are still occupied by Navajo Indians, and there is ample evidence, by the remaining ruins, of occupation by Indians...
05 Jul, 2022
Coast Redwoods : Presentation (including video+quiz)
Redwood Trees : Presentation (including video + quiz)
05 Apr, 2016