Dr. Overy's KBase: Resources for Teaching and Learning
A-Level Physics : Link to all activities
19 Jan, 2019
Here is a quick link to all the sets of revision questions for A-Level Physics... http://globalmatters.org/topics/index.php?View=search&s=1&in=all&q=a-level+physics+quiz&sb= OR you can use the SEARCH BOX to find a set of revision questions for a specific topic......
(November 2018)..Updated Revision Activities in IGCSE/GCSE and AS-Level Physics and GCSE Biology
09 Nov, 2017
Note : Please check the Recent Articles for the latest quizzes entered in 2019 GCSE Physics X-Rays in Medicine : http://e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/xraymed/ Waves : http://www.e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/waves Light and Sound : http://www.e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/lightandsound/ Circuits 1...
A-Level Physics Revision : Measurements and their Errors (AQA 7407/7408)
09 Sep, 2017
The latest A-level Physics Resource is now available. It is a presentation intended for AQA A-level Physics 7407/7408 It includes an embedded set of revision questions http://www.e-teach.org/measurements/
Measurements and their Errors (updated quiz)
07 Sep, 2017
Here is the latest updated/corrected revision quiz to support AQA Physics 7407/7408 Topic : Measurements and their errors http://www.e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/measure
Flipbooks available.....(Updated March 2017)
21 Mar, 2017
Flipbooks available..... Light and Sound Homework Sheets ( originally developed for KS3 Science ) http://www.webschool.org.uk/revision/lightsoundflip Here is the latest revision/homework sheets ( intended for KS3/KS4 Science) http://www.webschool.org.uk/revision/energyflip Revision Topic...
Latest Revision Resources for GCSE/IGCSE Physics
16 Mar, 2017
Here is the latest revision presentation, including a video and a quiz GCSE/IGCSE Revision : The Eye http://www.e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/eyerev/ Here are the latest revision flipbooks for GCSE/IGCSE Physics Current Electricity and Electromagnetic Induction Waves and Wave Properties
Latest GCSE/IGCSE Physics Revision Presentation: Transformers
24 Jan, 2017
The latest revision resource, including gcse questions, can be found at http://www.e-teach.org.uk/transformers
Here are the revision activities/quizzes , including GCSE and A-level Revision (Jan2017)
08 Jan, 2017
All the revision and quiz activiites can be found here... http://www.globalmatters.org/topics/index.php?CategoryID=186
Latest revision activities for GCSE and A-Level Physics and GCSE Biology
26 Dec, 2016
Here is a revision activity relating to the use of X-rays in Medicine X-Rays in Medicine : http://e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/xraymed/ Here is the latest revision quiz for International AS and A-level Physics Electric Fields (2) http://e-physics.org.uk/quizzes/elecfields2/ Here is the latest...
Superb new H5P resource for producing interactive content!
14 Dec, 2016
Along comes an excellent resource at www.h5p.org for producing superb interactive html5 content in existing platforms. This has been used on www.webschool.org.uk and this site to produce revision exercises for GCSE and A-Level Science . The beauty of the resource is that it is Open...

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